Treasure Valley Rodeo
"Serving the community the cowboy way"

Presented by:
Treasure Valley Lions Club

Treasure Valley PRCA Rodeo
Thirty-six years of rodeo action!
This year will be a special year for the Treasure Valley Rodeo! We will be celebrating our 36th Anniversary in the heart of Meridian. Come on out and enjoy all of the fun and excitement of this rodeo! All proceeds from this event go to the Lions Projects and Project Expenses.
Formally known as the Meridian Lions Rodeo and re branded as Treasure Valley Rodeo, we as the Treasure Valley Lions have a new vision of purpose and passion. Come celebrate with us on June 27th - 28th, 2025 in Meridian, Idaho. This rodeo is held at the Treasure Valley Rodeo Grounds and Sanctioned by the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association (PRCA) as part of the Wilderness Circuit and co-approved with the Columbia River Circuit.

The 36th annual Treasure Valley Rodeo
will take place June 27-28, 2025
in Meridian, Idaho
June 27-28, 2025
Pre-Rodeo 6 pm
Rodeo 6:45 pm
June 26th
Thursday Slack 6:00pm
6054 W. Cherry Lane
Meridian, Idaho
Bareback Riding
Saddle Bronc Riding
Bull Riding
Steer Wrestling
Tie Down Roping
Team Roping
WPRA Barrel Racing
WPRA Breakaway Roping
JR Bull Riding
Mutton Bustin’
Pre-Sale Ticket Prices
General: $20.00
Children 12 & under: $15.00
Seniors & Military: $15.00
Children 5 & Under: Free
At the Gate:
General: $25
Children: $20
Seniors & Military: $20